Beloved Community Initiative
Diocese of Pittsburgh
Theory of Change
The Beloved Community Initiative (BCI) seeks to promote the liberating and reconciling love of Jesus Christ, particularly as it relates to racial justice and reconciliation. The BCI will serve specifically to develop strategies, as informed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Baptismal Covenant and our diocesan mission.
Foundational Beliefs
TEC (The Episcopal Church)
- Telling the Truth about our Churches and Race
- Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community
- Practicing the Way of Love in the Pattern of Jesus
- Repairing the Breach in Society and Institutions
Pittsburgh Diocese:
- Love, Teach, Heal
Method: Continuum of Response &
Signature Platforms: Areas of focus
- Sacred Conversations/Parish Racial Temperature Check
- Diocesan/Parish Racial History
- Education: Scriptural Formation on Love, Justice and Reconciliation
- Parish Activism
- Build Activism Network
- Establish Information hub of Racial Justice in our diocese and the region (what’s already happening?)
- Foster CORR/SJC work collaboration with/in Diocese
- Re-Establish UBE
- Establish Diocesan Public Footprint
Beloved Community Initiative
Diocese of Pittsburgh
Theory of Change
The Beloved Community Initiative (BCI) seeks to promote the liberating and reconciling love of Jesus Christ, particularly as it relates to racial justice and reconciliation. The BCI will serve specifically to develop strategies, as informed by the gospel of Jesus Christ, our Baptismal Covenant and our diocesan mission.
Foundational Beliefs
TEC (The Episcopal Church)
Telling the Truth about our Churches and Race
Baptismal Promise: Persevere in resisting evil, and whenever we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
Core Questions: What racial/cultural/ethnic groups are in our church? Who have we excluded or included?
Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community
Baptismal Promise: Proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.
Core Questions: How has our city/town/area participated in racial injustice or healing over time? What’s happening today? What is our dream for Beloved Community? What behaviors and practices foster it?
Practicing the Way of Love in the Pattern of Jesus
Baptismal Promise: Seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Core Questions: How will we grow as reconcilers, healers, and justice-bearers? What activities, practices, learning and experiences would (trans)form us? How will we share stories and grow relationship?
Repairing the Breach in Society and Institutions
Baptismal Promise: Strive for justice and peace among all people & respect the dignity of every human being.
Core Questions: What institutions and systems bear the signs of racial injustice? How will we participate in the repair, restoration and healing of people, institutions and systems?
Pittsburgh Diocese:
God: “…with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind… Luke:27
Neighbor: “…who proved neighbor to the man who fell among thieves?” Luke 10:36
Enemy: “…love your enemy, pray for those who curse you.” Matt. 5:44
God with us: “…and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us…” John 1:14
God for us: “…He who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32
God in us: “…God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying Abba! Father! Gal. 4:6
The Person: “Great crowds came to [Jesus], and he healed them.” Matthew 15:30
The Church: “[I ask] that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know you sent
me…” John 17:23
The World: “We are ambassadors for Christ, God is making his appeal through us…”
2 Cor. 5:20
Method: Continuum of Response &
Signature Platforms: Areas of focus
Sacred Conversations
- Parish Conversations/Parish Racial Temperature Check
- Diocesan Town Hall Dialogues
- Small group inter racial prayer mtgs
Diocesan Reconciliation
- Capture racial history of Diocese and parishes
- Engage diocese in worship services of reconciliation
- Listening forums (impact of racism on people of color)
- Partnership with diocesan committees to form paths to leadership and ordination for people of color
- Develop best practices for developing multicultural worshipping communities
Education: Scriptural Formation of Love, Justice and Reconciliation
- Produce/provide liturgical devotionals: Possibly use seeing the face of God (as topical outline) moving through the liturgical Calendar
- Create video learning modules
- Develop Beloved Community Academy and curriculum for youth.
Parish Activism
- Produce Racial Justice Manual/Handbook
- Moving from idea to public action
- How to engage/partner with public actions from other organizations
Build Activism Network
- Identify church liaisons
- Organize council of advice and already active parishioners into subcommittees for action (Organizing the “choir”)
Establish Information hub of Racial Justice in our diocese and the region (What’s already happening?)
- establish social media platforms (Web page, facebook, etc.)
- Gather and update resources
Foster CORR/SJC work collaboration with/in Diocese
Re-Establish UBE
Establish Diocesan Public Footprint
- Build relationships/partnerships with Signature Justice organizations (i.e. urban League, NAACP, etc.)
- Build relationships with Social Justice community organizations (i.e. Black Lives Matter, Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network, etc.)
- Build/Foster ecumenical relationships (Christian Associates, Ministeriums, racial justice organizations of other denominations, etc.)