An Advent Service of Lament, Repentance, and Reconciliation
Bishop McConnell and the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh’s Beloved Community Initiative invites you to an online Advent Service of Lament, Repentance, and Reconciliation on Sunday, December 6, at 3 p.m.
Bishop McConnell has called us all to an ongoing movement of repentance and reconciliation, beginning with an open-invitation gathering for prayer and restoration, followed by time to talk.
The service will be presented on Zoom, recorded, and shared on other social media.
The service bulletin is available here:
To join the service, click the link below:
Topic: Advent Service of Lament
Time: Dec 6, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 821 4954 4162 Passcode: 295938 (enter if prompted)
Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
A few notes about the service and discussion:
- Please keep your microphone muted to limit background noise, feedback, etc. Unmute your microphone only when acknowledged by a meeting host. All microphones will be muted at the start of the service by default.
- When you have a comment or question, click the Raise Hand button in the Participants panel. Note that you may have to click the Participants button at the bottom of the screen to open the Participants panel. The hosts will be watching for raised hands and will call on you to speak at the earliest opportunity, as time allows.
- You can also type a comment or question in the Zoom Group Chat panel. This will be particularly helpful if there are any issues with your audio, such that we are unable to hear you, or to hear you well. Note that you may have to click the Chat button at the bottom of the screen to open the chat panel. The hosts will be monitoring this panel and will ensure that your question or comment is heard and addressed, as time allows.
Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices.
You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.
–John 16:20